Home Forums 16 to 1 Mine PG&E

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    Post count: 485

    An old shirt, familiar pair of boots and stuff that wears well all themes of songwriter guy Clark and joining this forum. Scoop’s multiple personalities all familiar with Sixteen to One, its beautiful home in sierra nevada mountain. This is Scoop’s first attempt with new computer site. Anyone else ready to write? Mike, the print is so light Scoop strains to read it. Fix it.

    cody washburn
    Post count: 85

    I was not aware that the Pelton wheel was invented in Camptonville – and that is awesome that the mine has the first one (or at least the first numbered one)! Thank you for sharing that bit of trivia.

    Michael Miller
    Post count: 612

    A pleasant surprise to find moments ago! Alleghany was without power since Saturday. It was just restored. The surprise is this new topic. Yes on installing water power. Permitting is not an issue. The head from our spring to Kanaka Creek, a 760 foot drop in elevation, creates very high water pressure. Also all facilities will be on private patented land.

    The time for this is now.

    Mister Pelton invented his Pelton Wheel in Camptonville, about 40 minutes from the mine. Our Company has a Pelton Wheel numbered “one” at our mine site. It is in place installed years ago.

    Growing document-able interference in our business relationships continues diverting our attention, such as the installation of solar and water power. With the help of you, let’s find the equipment and build our own electrical energy. Sixteen has been green before it became fashionable and will continue.

    Fred Cain
    Post count: 148

    I, too, have wondered why we can’t generate our own electric power especially with a significant perennial creek running right nearby.

    Perhaps an older, second-hand water turbine and generator could be found.

    It would be economical and pay for itself within a year or two. A big plus would be that you could hold yourself up as being “carbon free” since water power produces no CO2 emissions. Surely that would help please some of the environmentalists.

    Unfortunately, I have no idea what the permitting process would be like. Probably a nightmare. Both the State and the U.S. Forest Service would have to approve this.

    How did the mine generate its electricity back in the old pre-REMC days? Surely there were no power lines back in there before 1930.

    Fred M. Cain

    Post count: 1

    New member of your forum, huge fan of your mine. A pelton wheel is a great idea for power, although I don’t know how much of your stuff it will run. And you may get some sort of credit to do solar as you have a great location for that, too.

    Darrel Cooley
    Post count: 2
    Darrel Cooley
    Post count: 2

    Maybe its time to re-consider the Pelton Water Wheel to generate electric power independent of PG&E full or partime as needed.

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