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  • Dick Davis
    Post count: 9

    Great time to support the Gold Museum, buy a Colorful 2017 Calendar and write a tax deductible check.

    Calendars are a perfect way to send “Happy New Year” greeting to friends.

    Maybe Rae can put up a sample photo of the 2017 calendar…?

    Best wishes to all and for a Bonanza Strike in 2017,

    Dick Davis

    martin newkom
    Post count: 180

    In my travels I have come across
    two interesting items:
    A former miner at the 16-1 now
    lives in Yuba City. Name witheld.
    I have a copy of the membership
    list for masonic lodge at Alleghany, Forest Lodge, 1882.
    Only one family name recognized:

    Jamie Hout
    Post count: 1

    Like to do Museum day some time

    Steven Moncayo
    Post count: 3

    needs kind to understand culture, where should i go


    Michael Miller
    Post count: 612

    The events at the museum last weekend were more than a success. Here in tiny Alleghany, last working gold camp in the Sierra Nevada, on public display for the first time in the former Alleghany Supply/ Alpha Supply store were over 400 gold specimens. Three hundred people drove to the Underground Gold Miners Museum to see one man’s gold collection. Not only could we see the pieces but we could examine them as well. The entire event was breath taking. It is a world class collection, not because of its glitter. It represents gold from around California and the world. Each specimen had a description of its location.

    I tip my hard hat to Ed Metz, who spent 50 years gathering gold and other mineral specimens. It looks like he will repeat the event during next year’s shareholder meeting. I thought a quick peek would be enough but ended up in front of the four display cases, talking to Ed and other enthusiasts as well for almost three hours. What fun!

    Rae Bell Arbogast, chief museum administrator, worked diligently to co-ordinate the public display. The fire department put on a spaghetti dinner and the ladies auxiliary held a bake sale. Many community members volunteered their time and it showed. Congratulations.

    Rae Bell
    Post count: 59

    The Gold Show last weekend was a success! The display was quite impressive. We are planning on doing it again next year, last weekend in June so mark your calendars.

    The museum is a MSA vendor and currently we have some brand new self-rescuers in inventory that somebody ordered, then changed their mind. Our price is $260 each without the protective boot and $275 with the protective boot. These were just manufactured. Please contact me at 530-287-3223 if you would like to purchase any and pass on the word.

    Rae Bell
    Post count: 59

    The annual meeting of membership of Underground Gold Miners Museum was held on Saturday May 8th with a directors meeting directly afterwords. An exciting development of the meeting was that a gold display of specimens from many of the mines in the Alleghany Mining District will be hosted by the museum on the weekend of June 26th and 27th. This is a private collection. Details to follow.

    Dick Davis
    Post count: 23

    Great compilation! The 52 photos cover everything except smelting the ore into a gold bar!

    This would make an ideal slideshow for the annual meeting.

    Thanks to kradec!!!

    Dick Davis

    Michael Miller
    Post count: 612

    I gave a special tour last Thursday, advertised it in the Grass Valley shortly before the tour date. One of the guests made a snapshot presentation for the internet at http://www.kradec.com/sixteen/index.htm

    I wrote him hoping to see more pictures. Geologist Ray Wittkopp is standing next to Jay (wearing the red lite hard hat

    Rae Bell
    Post count: 59

    A Golden Opportunity

    No other educational experience is like an underground tour of the Sixteen to One mine in Alleghany. Nowhere else in the world can students and individuals experience the sounds, smells and sights of a living hardrock gold mine. The exposed geological structures of the Sixteen to One are more vivid than lessons in any textbook. The vibrations of a mucking machine moving material or a trammer coming down the tracks leave impressions not to be forgotten. The weight of gold in the hand sparks economic discussions and expressions of awe.

    Underground Gold Miners of California Museum (UGMM) was incorporated in 1995 as an educational entity to take advantage of this rare opportunity. Educational tours are conducted seasonally from May through October of each year.

    In a typical season 400 to 500 individuals tour the mine. Several local schools bring classes of children every year. University professors bring geology students or history classes. People from all walks of life and from all over the world come to this remote place to experience underground mining and get a glimpse of the life of a miner.

    The museum in Alleghany is the starting point for all tours and is also a showcase of local mining history and geology. Earlier this year a museum supporter associated with a charitable gift fund recommended a grant of $30,000 to UGMM specifically for the acquisition of gold quartz specimens from the Sixteen to One. The specimens were chosen for their ability to demonstrate different geological formations as well as their rarity. These specimens are now a permanent part of the museum collection.

    Original Sixteen to One Mine, Inc. owns many more carefully selected specimens collected over the last 20 years that must be sold. Because the supporter mentioned above sees the value of keeping these specimens together at the museum, sitting on the very ground from which they came, he will recommend another grant of $25,000 up to $50,000 IF A MATCHING PLEDGE OR PLEDGES CAN BE SECURED.

    Please help us take advantage of this offer. Donations are tax-deductible. All Donors will be acknowledged as part of the specimen display in the museum. Please send your check or pledge made out to Underground Gold Miners Museum and mailed to P.O. Box 907, Alleghany, CA 95910. A receipt for tax records will be sent.

    I can be reached at 530-287-3223 or info@undergroundgold.com if you have any questions. Thank you for your time and consideration.


    Rae Bell
    December 21, 2007

    Rae Bell
    Post count: 59

    A newsletter was mailed out to the museum membership yesterday. If you are not a member and would like to become one go to “museum” on left of screen and you will see a membership link on the museum page. There is a printable membership form there.

    The week started out on a very good note for both the museum and the mine. A shareholder who is very supportive of the museum offered to donate $20,000 to the museum specifically for the museum to purchase specimen(s) from the Sixteen to One Mine. The idea is to get the rest of the shareholders (or public) to make donations to match or exceed the $20,000 already put up.
    The benefits of this program are multiple. For the donor a tax write-off. The museum is a 501 (c) 3 educational non-profit organization. Donations are fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. The benefit for the museum is an enhanced gold collection of specimens from Alleghany. For the mine it means specimen sales i.e. operating revenue! To make a donation for this project checks should be made out to UGMM and mailed to P.O. Box 907, Alleghany, CA 95910. Specify what it is for.
    A big thanks to the “golden giver” for getting this rolling.

    martin newkom
    Post count: 180

    One of my former neighbors where I live had a chance to
    go as a bearer on one of Fr.
    Hubbard’s expeditions but he
    was small of stature so his
    family wouldn’t allow him to go.Sad.

    martin newkom
    Post count: 180

    This is for Kyle: The Jesuit
    order of clergy is reputed to
    have extensive geological records. Your son might want to
    check that out. There was a very famous clergyman, Father
    Hubbard who taught geology at
    one of their colleges.

    Rae Bell
    Post count: 59

    Dick Davis is certainly a “Golden Giver”.

    The idea of donations to the museum to purchase specimens from the mine helps both the mine and the museum.

    Donations are tax deductible.

    Thank you Dick.

    Dick Davis
    Post count: 23
    Dick Davis
    Post count: 23

    Bundled up my tax records today and that reminded me to make an appeal to 16:1 owners to consider a tax deductible donation to the Museum.

    It’s really simple. Send a check.

    Po Box 907
    Alleghany, CA 95910-0907

    It might be possible for the Museum to purchase gold specimens from the 16:1.

    16:1 is living history and the golden beauty that comes out of the mine is as old as the earth.

    If you have an interested in California history, its gold and mining, consider a tax deductible gift.

    The Museum might even create an Honor Roll of the names of Golden Givers.

    Kyle Hall
    Post count: 1

    Thank you for the tour!
    My son Travis and his girlfriend Tiffanie were allowed to join the Boy Scout Geology Merit Badge Tour on Saturday May 20th, led by Rae Bell (museum curator) and Ray Wittkopp (mine geologist). This is one of the finest tours the museum offers and the kids were very lucky to be able to join the group.
    All evening and into the night I listened to Travis telling me all the awesome stuff he saw and learned about the Sixteen. He was very enthused about the geology and history of the mine. I am sure it is a tour they won’t soon forget. A great big THANK YOU to RAE and RAY for a great day in Alleghany!

    Rae Bell
    Post count: 59

    My last message (see below) was effective in that a museum member saw it and found an appraiser with the correct designation who is willing to do the appraisal for $2,500. Thank you!
    The decision has been made to have the appraisal done and go for the grant.
    The museum needs donations to help pay for the appraisal.
    Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
    If you feel inclined to help please send your check made out to UGMM to P.O. Box 907, Alleghany, CA 95910. A receipt will be sent. Thank you!
    Articles with historical photos have been added to the museum web-site. Go to MUSEUM (on sidebar) then “articles” other photos and articles will be added as time allows.
    Rain, rain, rain and a little snow in Alleghany.
    Wishing everybody a healthy, prosperous and happy new year.

    Rae Bell
    Post count: 59

    The museum has an opportunity to purchase the building that it now rents a portion of.
    The California Cultural and Historical Endowment was formed with funds from Proposition 40 and is funding capital improvement projects for non-profits that meet certain criteria. Underground Gold Miners Museum meets the criteria.
    The application proccess is very competitive. I am working on a proposal for Underground Gold Miners Museum. There is another round in the spring which we will try for if we don’t succeed this round.
    The appraisal of the building has to be by an appraiser with either the MAI or the SREA designation. I have made a dozen phone calls and so far have found only one appraiser in Auburn even willing to do this and he wants $3,500. Is there anybody out there who knows of an appraiser with the proper designation who would do it for less? We could throw in a free mine tour. Time is of the essence as the application has to be postmarked by Jan.31st.
    Donations to help pay for the appraisal are also needed and are tax deductible. Mail to: UGMM, P.O.Box 907, Alleghany, CA 95910.
    If the museum were able to gain ownership of the building it would be the recipient of the rent that the post office pays and would gain about 3,000 square feet of space. It would elevate the institution to a new level of sustainability.
    You can view the museum page by clicking on the “museum” link on the sidebar or go to: undergroundgold.com – The page has been updated recently and the addition of an article page is in the works.
    Thank you all for your continued support.

    Rae Bell
    Post count: 59

    The Ballroom tour is not available because it is in the area where the miners have been working the last couple years and access is not as easy as it used to be so safety is a concern.

    David Stockwell
    Post count: 4

    How come the ballroom tour isn’t available anymore? Thats a wonderful place to visit.

    Post count: 485

    By, Chris Gillespie June 12,1997
    When Hero Bunny asked me if I’d like to go with him and Head Bunny on a tour of the Sixteen to One Mine, my first thought was, “yeah, right. About as much as I’d like to pull out my toenails one by one.” I don’t like cramped quarters, especially dark ones. I don’t even like to ride in elevators.
    But after giving it some thought (and having to listen to Hero call me Chicken), I relented. I figured I could always come up with a bad case of 24-hour leprosy or something if I had to.
    The day of the tour (Friday June 6, 1997) dawned bright and beautiful. Well, so much for my rainy day excuse, I thought. Head Bunny and I got into the trusty Stealth Bronco and headed for Alleghany.
    Upon our arrival, we signed a release of liability (standard procedure, but a little sobering all the same) and joined the other family members and friends for a welcome chat with Mike Miller, president of the company and all around nice person. He told us briefly about his philosophy of running the company. The reason for the tour, he explained, was so that we would better understand what our friends and loved ones were doing and talking about when they came home from a hard day at the mine. (Yes, visions of the Seven Dwarves returning home to Snow White did flash briefly through my mind.)
    Miller stressed safety of the miners that worked for him as being the most important aspect of operations. And, that proved to be true throughout the day. Hard rock mining is a dangerous business and, after seeing the operation close up, I have even more respect for the men who do this job day after day.
    Once orientation was over, the group was taken down to the working area. There we were met by a friend/family member who would be escorting us on the tour. First order of business was to don our mining apparel (rubber boots, jackets, and safety helmets with nifty mining lights attached). After that was accomplished, we headed towards the mine portal (entrance).
    As Head Bunny and I followed Hero into the tunnel (after being logged in by a miner at the entrance), I kept telling myself that this was no big deal. And to my surprise, I found it much easier than I had expected. Because lighting in the mine itself is limited to that provided by the light on your helmet, you have a tendency to keep your head tilted down a little bit. This was perfect for me… by concentrating on where I was walking, I found myself not really noticing that I was actually trudging through a big, black hole in the side of a mountain of rock.
    Going in at the 800 level we soon approached the “skip” landing. A skip is a kind of large metal container (I thought of it as a really big SPAM can) used to move people down the various levels being worked. After climbing in, our group descended to the 2200 level. The trip down is better than an E ticket ride…but nowhere near as fast. After wandering around through parts of the 2200 level and seeing lots of interesting equipment, we reboarded the skip and returned to the 800 level.
    Next on the tour was the Ballroom (at the 1100 level), a large cavity big enough for weddings (one miner was actually married there recently). The way to the Ballroom was lit by miniature Christmas tree lights… giving the whole experience a festive air.
    Don’t get me wrong; walking underground isn’t like a walk in the park. The footing is tricky due to the water (perfectly normal in mines) running through the path. In addition, there are some fairly steep inclines to be traversed. This trek isn’t for those who don’t want a little physical exertion.
    After seeing the Ballroom, we retraced our steps and returned to the outside world. I was amazed… the time seemed to pass really quickly. As we left, Hero Bunny made sure our names were checked off as being out of the mine. There are over 27 miles of tunnels underground, and anyone entering the mine has to be logged in and out. Like I said before, safety is of primary importance.
    After returning to the office area, Mike Miller also proved his talents as chef extraordinaire as he cooked up what one tour participant described as the best hamburgers she’d ever eaten. I agreed. After eating, socializing, and thanking our host, we returned home.
    The Sixteen to One Mine Tour is one trip I won’t quickly forget. I want to thank Mike Miller, Hero Bunny and all the other miners for making the whole experience enjoyable and memorable.
    If you’re interested in touring the Sixteen to One Mine you can call the Alleghany Mining Museum at (530) 287-3330. Surface tours, underground tours, and deluxe tours are available. The museum includes exhibits under development on the history of underground gold mining, geological information on the formation of the gold deposit, history of the town, and a mine model.

    Lara Rear
    Post count: 1

    Dear Rae,
    I am bleary eyed after reading hours and hours of messages. You are so forthright and to the point! Thank you.

    Rae Bell
    Post count: 59

    Not a bad idea Dick. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to give it a try.

    Dick Davis
    Post count: 23

    Lay-a-way plan: Would it be possible for The 16:1 to put aside gold specimens that could be purchased by the Museum? Perhaps if those interested in California history, its gold and mining, knew in advance how their donations to the Museum would be used, it might create an incentive to give.

    Perhaps such a lay-a-way plan could be published in the shareholders’ newsletter and announced at the annual meeting in June.

    The Museum might even attach the names of the donors to the golden gifts.

    Rae Bell
    Post count: 59

    The annual meeting of membership for Underground Gold Miners Museum was held last night at Dave Scinto’s office in Grass Valley.
    The new slate of Directors are: Rae Bell Arbogast, Ian Haley, Conway Jones Jr. and Dave Scinto.
    A Directors meeting was held immediately following the membership meeting. Newly appointed officers are as follows: Dave Scinto, President, Ian Haley Treasurer, Rae Bell Arbogast, Secretary.

    Rae Bell
    Post count: 59

    Since this topic has surfaced on the Forum again I see I was remiss in replying to the inquiries of Dick Davis. (I could have sworn I did, maybe the Forum gremlins deleted my message?)

    For those of you who don’t know, Underground Gold Miners of California Museum was founded in 1995 as an educational 501 (c)3 non-profit corporation. The greatest challenge to any such endeavor in Alleghany is the lack of Human Resources. Currently the museum has about 30 members and is holding its annual meeting to elect the Board of Directors on November 13th. Directors serve a one-year term.
    The museum rents the old General Store in Alleghany where its office, gift shop and displays are located. (Displays are an ongoing project) Currently the museum is open by appointment and during special events.
    Tours of the Sixteen to One Mine provide the main source of revenue for the museum. These educational tours explore the history and geology of the Sixteen to One Mine and the Alleghany Mining District.
    Currently I am managing all aspects of the museum but would be happy to see others get involved.
    Donations made to the museum are tax-dectible and can be mailed to: UGMM, P.O. Box 907, Alleghany, CA 95910, a receipt will be provided.
    Volunteers are needed to open the museum next season: May through Oct. lodging may be available. Volunteers are also needed to assist with displays and record-keeping/collection management. If you are interested contact me at 530-287-3223. For tour or membership information click on “tours” on this web-site.
    Thank you to all who have supported the museum over the years.

    Rae Bell
    Post count: 59

    Following is a letter sent to the Museum Board of Directors today.

    Underground Gold Miners Museum
    P.O. Box 907
    Alleghany, CA 95910

    Dear Directors,

    Please accept or reject the acquisition of the Phil O’Donnell drill collection under the terms outlined in the enclosed Draft. I will do what I can to find financial sponsors to support the museum’s acquisitions. Once this first phase is completed, I intend to donate additional equipment to the museum – at this time I do not know the historic value or interest in the remaining drills. It will take research. I believe the twelve identified have significant value. The same may be true for some of the others. I may suggest a similar program like this one. I just do not know at this time.

    My heart is with this truly unique and special museum. Its headquarter is in the livery stable that became the Alleghany Supply Company and hub of miners for years. That the museum’s building sits atop the Sixteen to One vein and the Tightner vein is not the reason it stands apart from any other museum’s unique attraction in California’s gold belt. (None can ever replicate this.) The owners of the mines are a primary reason. For Alleghany Mining District ownership took on a meaning proven to be different from all other mining districts in the gold belt. From the Oriental to the west and the Red Star to the east; from the Ireland to the south and the Blue Lead to the north, empirical experience, vicarious experiences, direct and hands-on work, luck or fate, and of course faith provided the will. Then again it may have been greed or fear. It could be seen as stubborn. For each reason all, however, will agree it is an adventure and a fragile one at that.
    The collection belongs in Alleghany and may become a center and display theme for the museum of hard rock miners who blast away in the white and brilliant quartz, underground in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. These drills evolved, as did the realization by the placer miners that the heavy nuggets they found were first imbedded in the white and gray outcrops of quartz. Ownership began right then; but only in the Alleghany District has productivity touched three centuries. Why, is open for speculation. My guess is the mining community knew its value. The mines established stability.
    Anyone familiar with the value of historical preservation will recognize the adventure of keeping the past in a safe place. Supporters familiar with the elations of providing historical preservation may find this tiny dream attractive. Rare are opportunities to participate in an historical grass roots preservation program such as this. I hope you recognize the best safe place for the collection is in a live gold mining community. It is a worthwhile undertaking.

    Sincerely yours,

    Michael M. Miller

    Please let me know immediately. I am not in a financial position to delay a decision.

    Grover Cleveland
    Post count: 1

    Y’all might be interested in the forthcoming mueum website and domain name.

    I have pre-registered for a new .museum domain name. These might be available this month (October). I’ll let everyone know when the new name hits the street.
    The website is being developed in the background and will go online when our new name is avalable. I am carefully watching your desires for the museum website and will try to include them all.


    Grover Cleveland
    Director and Erstwhile Webmaster

    Dick Davis
    Post count: 6

    Can someone correct my misspelling of “where”? It should be “wear.” My kids will take my allowance away!

    Dick Davis
    Post count: 6

    Does the museum have a gift shop selling photos, books, specimens, quartz with a flash of California gold, jewelry and postcards that we can write and send from Allegheny?

    I recently bought the Miners Ring as advertised under Gold Sales. It’s a pleasure to wear a piece of California with all the historical significance, and just plain attractive simplicity.

    Dick Davis
    Post count: 6

    Now that we have a Museum Topic Board, could someone describe the museum contents,put up pictures of specimens, tell us the operating hours and show us how to donate to the museum and be sure to get the paprerwork right for a tax deduction?

    Dick Davis
    Post count: 6
    Dick Davis
    Post count: 6

    Original is a superior web site, but I would like to see it add to its vertical topic-links information about the Museum. As I understand, the Museum is a 501 c, non-profit. Tax deductible gifts, cash or stocks, would help preserve California Heritage. With enough donations, or one great donor, perhaps the Museum could consider purchase of fine, unique specimens such as the Whopper, to maintain them locally. I don’t know anything about the Museum, could it be located in Nevada City where many tourists and California history buffs could view real California nuggets? Would a fabulous display by the Museum in the Nevada Hotel be an educational magnet? I would sure like to see the gold on display and yet build up the operating capital.

    Dick Davis

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