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  • Abedo
    Post count: 16

    GREETINGS to our new website.
    The FORUM began in the late 1990’s at origsix.com. Do to its age a modern website became necessary. Here it is; however all the transaction from origsix.com during the transition are not yet available on the site. Our original website will remain. Welcome and enjoy your journey with the oldest USA gold mining corporation. Participate using either or both sites.

    Michael Miller
    Post count: 612

    “Physicists Take Close Look at Gold’s Atomic Value
    LA Times 7/20/95 Page B-2

    All that glitters may not be gold, but gold is the most “noble” of all metals. It refuses to react with gases and liquids, which is one reason it can hang around for thousands of years in musty tombs and still shine brightly for those anthropologists (or Pirates) lucky enough to stumble upon it. But exactly what makes gold so standoffish (and hence valuable) has been something of a scientific mystery.

    In the current issue of the journal Nature, two physicists from Denmark and Japan suggest that the electrons buzzing around the gold atom’s periphery overlap each other in ways that keep other atoms at a distance.

    This same orbital dance allows gold atoms to hold onto each other with a grip sufficient to keep other atoms from breaking them apart.”

    Never know what one finds in twenty three year old files. In 1995, this was LA Times news.

    David Ingraham
    Post count: 48

    Mike, I am in complete agreement with your analysis of the LA times and the propaganda they preach. The NY Times is also guilty of the same trip and agenda to demonize the development on our nations natural resources.

    Michael Miller
    Post count: 612

    What is a forum?

    Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary has a thoughtful answer. “A public market place of an ancient Roman city, where popular assembles met, and most legal and political business was transacted.”

    My plan and reason for creating this “FORUM” almost fifteen years ago mirror that definition, but the focus is gold and gold mining. As it grew I worked with its organization and decided that the number of topics must be controlled. No more than twenty seemed best. Miscellaneous became the dumping ground for unique or special isolated topics. The L.A.Times Article went to sleep on June 11, 2005; however its relevance and historical importance seemed timeless to me. I just could not delete or move it.

    Does anyone read it anymore because it is so outdated? Does it deserve its place among the active topics (there are 22 topics now)? As editor, what should I do with this old reality?

    Well, I reread the entries this morning and found the writing splendid and the discussion regarding journalism and reporters is still relevant. Ours is an indisputable case study of media inaccurate reporting, but now a name has been given to the work of the L.A. Times Article: fake news. What a tragedy and shame the practice has become so prevalent!

    The L.A. Times Article had no input for 12 years and 7 months. Today this will change by the push of a “send button”. I hope you find the time and interest to scroll down to the first entry by gfxgold and begin a story that (with different people and circumstances) continues today (or read it from recent to first). Surely you may have comments to add.

    Stephen Wilson
    Post count: 1568

    When I was eight years old I started buying the L.A. Times for its sports section, mainly following the L.A. Angels of the Pacific Coast League and the Brooklyn Dodgers. Even today when I’m down south I buy it as the Dodgers are still my team. There’s not too much slant on their sport’s pages.

    The L.A. Times has an enormous amount of the paper’s weight devoted to advertising. Actually, it’s quite repulsive. The people that used to run the paper when I was young are long gone. Their replacements appear to be less interested in reporting the real news compared to their predecessors.

    Generally speaking, papers in the U.S. stink for reporting the real news. If a person is seriously interested in reducing most of the slant I personally enjoy the Financial Times out of London. Subscriptipons to the paper can be acquired at 1-800-628-8088. They are not a perfect news source as the paper is anti-gold but they report news that is not available in U.S. along with excellent editorials.

    The L.A. Times can’t hold a candle to the truth that is presented on Jim Sinclair’s website at http://www.jsmineset.com. Jim informed its readers many months ago about the approaching threat that was presented by Avian Flu.

    The World Health Organization has been warning governments around the world lately about the potential of the virus. If you are interested in being informed go to their website.

    Rumors have been circulating that in Qinghai, China more than 120 people, including tourists, have died of Avian flu plus hundreds have been quarantined.

    The question is: Why is the L.A. Times picking on the company and restricting one of its reporters from presenting to its readers an historical perspective of one of California’s famous high grade gold mines? Plain and simple, the paper is anti-gold.

    What is the L.A. Times doing to probe government officials on their preparedness to protect people concerning the approaching Avian flu?

    Are there any papers left in the U.S. that respect the intelligence of their readers? Maybe, the Christian Science Monitor.

    Michael Miller
    Post count: 612

    Ceilia writes a regular column for the Los Angeles Times about past and present interesting historical spots around California. She called the office a month or so ago on a recommendation from the Grass Valley Chamber of Commerce. I invited her up to Alleghany that day. We talked about the mine, its history and cultural. Although I have never read her writings, she seemed positive and well grounded. She writes pleasurable stories which delight her long-time readers. Since shareholders live in southern California, I decided to accommodate her request for a story. It would be a fair historical view of America’s oldest good mining company. Surprise, surprise. Here is the card I recently received:

    As much as I’d like to write the story of your mine and Alleghany, my editor said “no”. Guess you’ve been in the news too much. Sorry and thanks for the loan of these binders. Here are a few stories I thought you might like to add to your collection.”

    The first LA Times article was in 2002. The only other article was April 2005. Is this “in the news too much”? Am I missing something because this LA Times writer’s story more than likely would be intellectually positive to the company and gold mining in California? Does the LA Times have an agenda or does it slant its “news”?

    We learned that Lee Romney (author of the prior two stories) established a relationship with Gale Filter (CDAA defendant and head honcho) and actually did research for him. Source is the Sierra County District Attorney files.) What is the point of her articles verses the point of Ceilia’s proposed article? I do not know the answers but do know that the LA Times misleads its readers.

    Stephen Wilson
    Post count: 1568

    Mining is a dangerous profession. So is crossing a street on foot. Not too long ago one of our long time residents was killed in a crosswalk. The driver was excused because of some circumstance and was issued a citation. Yesterday I saw that a squirrel near the same crosswalk didn’t make it to the other side.

    Human beings, like all living things, don’t mix when factoring in machinery plus gravity and perpetual motion. If California state legislators had their way we would all live in a perfect world with the attorneys orchestrating our lives. Lee Romney and her handlers obviously know nothing of physics nor the natural destructive consequences of it.

    I bring to your attention the construction of water tunnel #3 in New York City being dug out by the Sand Hogs who are also miners. My question is: why hasn’t Elliot Spitzer, the New York state attorney general, prosecuted the unions for all the loss of live that has resulted since the beginning of this project in 1970? I’ll tell you why, mining is a dangerous business. Anyway, Mr. Spitzer is spending his time these days chasing down and prosecuting rampant white collar crime in New York City.

    Lee Romney’s thesis of the recent L.A. Times article may have made her handlers happy but it was no more that an blantant insult to anyone’s intelligence who read the news story.

    It absolutely amazes me that the L.A. Times doesn’t spend more time investigating why the federal and state governments are so ill prepared for the approaching Bird Flu that might probably kill millions in this country alone.

    Gerard Forsman
    Post count: 58

    Thanks Rick, for seeing what I saw in the L.A. Times article. Maybe Lee Romney thinks that L.A. citizens will believe anything in print. That may be true.
    People who live and work in the rural areas of the U.S. know what a skunk smells like. I think that Lee’s article has a slight oder of the same quality.
    I hope some other readers of the forum chime in. Even if it’s just to vote “Like” or “Dislike” the L.A. Times article.

    Rick Montgomery
    Post count: 331

    Well, gfxgold is absolutely right. Perhaps I need to clarify why I wrote what I did. The ‘smile on my face’ comes from the way the LA Times article slithers by the obvious questions and then tries to make it seem like the CDAA is getting a raw deal. Or, put another way, it should leave the savy reader (thanks gfxgold) wondering:

    “What about leaving out exculpatory evidence from the Grand Jury?”

    “Why does the CDAA feel free to accuse respected businessmen when there is evidence to the contrary?”

    “When cases fizzle, how does this underscore cultural rifts, rather than the cases had no evidence?”

    “When the judge tossed the case brought against Mike and Jonathan, was ‘little comment’ from the judge because the judge is ‘Appalachian and part of a rural rift’, or was the CDAA so lacking in proper procedure and lacking in evidence that little comment was due?”

    “Why didn’t the article mention who intentionally withheld the excupatory evidence?”

    “Is it only a technical slip that an illegal vigilante group of lawyers has charged two citizens with murder?”

    “If Knox said that ‘prosecuters were clearly operating under the authority of then-Sierra Co. Dist. Atty Sharon O’Sullivan’ isn’t that a clear admission that there was complicity coming from that office in the willful withholding of exculpatory evidence?”

    “Why does the article draw the inference that Mikes case is of of negligence when the excupatory evidence, available to the writer of the article, clearly states otherwise?”

    “What run-ins? Where’s the distinction between Mike Miller the man and the the president of a publically traded mine?”

    “Why aren’t these ‘run-ins’ properly identified as frivilous citations initiated by yet another federal institution, most of which are routine and many of which were withdrawn, all of which have been mediated?”

    “Why does the article continue to say, twice, that ‘Miller and Farrell were indicted’…and leave out why they were, and by whom, and then only by the CDAA leaving out exculpatory evidence?”

    “In the case against the Yolo County farmer, why would the CDAA even attempt to prosecute when there was absolutely no evidence of negligence?”

    “Instead of citing Zimring that ‘prosecutors are setting themselves up for failure by pursuing felonies without giving jurors a chance to convict on lesser misdemeanors’ why not say ‘CDAA prosecutors are setting themselves up for failure by pursuing felonies without evidence, by willfully withholding exculpatory evidence, and by acting under the assumption of immunity from punitive action, all without proper authority?”

    “How is it simply problematic and not criminal?”

    And finally, “Why is the LA Times article slithering past the obvious issue of the Sixteen-to-One Mine’s and Mike’s lawsuit: that the CDAA should be accountable for illegal activity, the breach of everything our Constitution protects?”

    While I stand no chance to have these questions appear in the LA Times, if this website is so powerful, let it be known I am closer to Sacramento than rural Alleghany. I don’t want the CDAA’s illegal activity to go unchecked anywhere.

    Gerard Forsman
    Post count: 58

    Rick, (and everyone else) please go back and read the L.A. Times article a few more times. Lee Romney chooses words and catch phrases very well. The words describing the lawsuit make it seem like a frivolous nuisance.
    Describing Alleghany as HIS (Mike’s) mountain community, makes it sound like Mike is Warlord of the Sierra’s. The description of Alleghany as an Appalachia… well, what picture comes to mind when you think of people that live in Appalachia? And the quote from George Gilmour, describing Mike as an irresponsible screwball. I’m sure he had more to say about the CDAA than he did Mike but, that phrase was too good to pass up. There’s plenty more. Read slower this time.
    The battle is not over.

    Rick Montgomery
    Post count: 331

    [Please first read below, the reference from gfxgold regarding the recent LA Times article for this entry to make any sense; tie that with Mike Miller’s referenceto the original LA Times article that sparked us to write.]

    It seems like just yesterday we were on this blog battling imbedded plants (Hi there, Goldmaster) and others, with their distraction attempt. Now that the battle is engaged, one must wonder why the LA Times editor has taken a more mild approach to this volitile subject.

    Do they smell themselves in the blood-soaked water?

    Granted, the recent article still doesn’t address the main issue…how the CDAA represents nothing other than ‘shut-down’ political tactics.

    ‘Rural cleansing’, as referenced by Mike in his defense from the onslaught, wasn’t exactly characterized properly in the article; instead, the gist inference made a stab at Mike’s and the Mine’s attempt to put the CDAA on notice as something vigilante, rather than the other way around.

    But, overall, I read it with wide eyes and a smile on my face, that even the LA Times smells crap when the see it.

    Gerard Forsman
    Post count: 58

    Please read the 04/19/2005 L.A. Times article under News (if you haven’t already).
    The writer of that column (Lee Romney) does not understand just what the CDAA really was. I would compare them to the McCarthy Trials. On the surface, they look and sound like the end-all do-all white knights of the legal system. In my opinion, they really weren’t out to make a lot of convictions but, they want to make people afraid. They can affect a large group of people’s actions by making an example of others. With the way that this reporting is slanted, I believe that the author, Lee Romney, was blinded by the shine of the armour and can not see the blackheartedness of the CDAA knight inside.

    Michael Miller
    Post count: 612

    Two years and five months ago this topic was opened by gfxgold (11/16/02). Seven other entries followed: Rick on 11/16/02; Blujay on 11/25/02; Roberta Petersen on 1/16/03; Bluejay on 1/19/03; Rick on 1/25/03; Blujay on 2/17/03; and Rick on 2/20/03. The writing seemed worth holding its own topic in one of the limited slots. Though there would be no more entries, the writings deserved immortality. Subject closed. Then guess what? Lee Romney followed her original story and it was accepted. Southern California will do well to heed the many lessons of criminal prosecution performed by non-government employees inflicted on a couple of guys and an old California corporation. I hope a lot of them read the paper that day.

    I participated in several discussions about the April 19, 2005, LA Times article this week. Everyone’s comments varied yet worth the time and energy, so the article was added to NEWS for you to read and perhaps compare and comment or just scan and file away. For those of us who read the first article, we can only wonder what first time readers thought about this one. The November 11, 2002 article was on the front page. This last article was on the front page of section B, someone said. The first one was posted on the Teamsters web site. I am planning a letter to the writer and may post it later.

    Thank you and you were right then and still right now. Beginning with gfxgold up through Rick, rereading your analysis is brilliant and amazingly clear.

    Rick Montgomery
    Post count: 331

    Congratulations on the congratulations. Long over-due.

    Yet, with all due respect toward the previous Forum entry: REALITY CHECK….

    The war waged upon us as either interested parties, shareholders or just plain upholders of those darn Constitutional rights, has just been thwarted. And we issue CONGRATULATIONS?

    Sorry. Any well-intentioned Forum discourse should be met with an open mind. . . .

    Let us all not become complacent when we regain our initial position as Free Americans.

    Stephen Wilson
    Post count: 1568

    The L.A. Times published an article in their February 15, 2003 paper that was prompted by Judge Stanley Young Jr.’s dismissal of the manslaughter case against the Original Sixteen to One Mine and two employees.

    Dan O’Neill was right on the mark when he wrote the Editor of the Union questioning their inferior reporting of an earlier hearing concerning the case in front of Judge Young in Downieville.

    The L.A. Times seems to be following in the Union’s footsteps with their own explanation of what happened on the 13th to their readers along with an abbreviated rehash of their original November 2002 slanted story.

    Sure a story was the dismissal of the case but how the Judge
    arrived at the dismissal was just as important as what never appeared in the Times’ Saturday edition. At the earlier Grand Jury proceedings the CDAA acted improperly by withholding pertinent facts relevent to the defense’s case. This is why the case was dismissed.

    Who are these CDAA people who came to Sierra County uninvited to stir up all this trouble for the Mine? They are the California District Attorney’s Association, a private company. One might call them “Cruel Demons Attacking Americans” just as well. The truth of the matter is they never had a case in the first place.

    What the Times never reported was that these CDAA attorneys wasted State funds, wasted Sierra County funds and damaged reputations. Along with tainting people’s integrities, the Mine’s defense redirected valuable time, money and energy away from the business of mining. The Mine has clearly suffered damages and should vigorously pursue the CDAA in the courts and with the California State Bar.

    The CDAA joins to make a real team with L.A. Times, neither one ever seems to discuss the facts correctly with matters concerning the Original Sixteen to One Mine, Inc.

    Rick Montgomery
    Post count: 331

    Dan O’Neill’s letter to the Editor of the Union deserves a standing ovation for redirecting the Union’s “objective journalism” back into its own printing press.

    While O’Neill points out how pleas in the face of Grand Jury Indictments are unilatterally entered “not guilty,” let’s add this objective observation: Miller and Farrell entered their “not guilty” plea because of truth, not evasion.

    How the Union felt comfortable leaving this essential point off the public record not only breaches their ethical perspective on objectivity, but brings up an even more lethal issue:

    While on the surface, (as I read the article, it reads well and simply to the point) why and when has the accuser, in this vital case CDAA, itself earned exemption from culpability, political motivation, market manipulation, exposure, and immunity from objective journalism?

    NOT GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN doesn’t mean somebody’s GUILTY BY CONCENSUS AND ALLEGATION, or guilty of comitting a crime and is therefore hiding behind a gold mine trammer rubbing gold-thirsty hands together while a brother dies in an unfortunate accident, while actively pursuing his Constitutional rights to Freedom.

    Freedom, and freedom with due process.

    Dan O’Neill mentioned the Bench reaction at the indictment hearing, eyebrows being raised. This writer feels that justice will be served, and that the Judicial Chair in this case will see through the foggy motives of the CDAA and rule accordingly:

    Accidents happen, what a bummer. It doesn’t mean that Miller and Farrell can be God and could make it not so. This case needs to be thrown out of court. Allow some room for criminal action exploited in the political arena.

    The CDAA?

    Stephen Wilson
    Post count: 1568

    The L.A. Times attack on Michael Miller and The Original Sixteen to One Mine Inc. was vicious as are all the attacks that originate from sources that hate gold. This attack must be kept in prospective as Michael and the Mine were just enlisted as center pieces for the creation of a story that was originally intended to attack gold and gold mining company ownership in this country.

    Although everything that Roberta brought up in Mike’s defense was informative and creditable, the story had to be slanted to accomplish the Paper’s main thesis. “The Mine Only Mines Trouble Now,” what a pile of horse pucky.

    The L.A. Times story is just one of the many that are written for the purpose of degrading gold ownership. Not long ago the Financial Times did a story after a recent daily advance in the metal along with a presentation of a gold chart. They, as expected, took their shots at the gold buyers. Their chart was percieved by the reader as showing the start of an important long term bull trend in the making. The writer interviewed someone who viewed the recent strength in the gold market as being a “bubble.” That reprinted comment was just plain stupid but then again, these anti-gold people are out to brainwash the general populace.

    Even the Wall Street Journal gets into the act when gold moves higher. In early February of 2002 gold completed a short term move to about 310 that flared higher in a matter of days from a low of 280. Following some consolidation, gold mounted a six dollar rally and was looking to go higher. A few days later on February 28, 2002 the Journal runs this story entitled, “Gold is Beginning to Sparkle Again As Investors Seek Stable Investments.” It was interesting how they spun their web of truths, their untruths along with their catty comments directed against the recent gold buyers. Let’s see, they ripped the “gold bugs,” an expression they and others really love, when gold was about $306 or so and on this last Friday gold closed at about $357. I guess you can draw your own conclusions as to the fading influence the Journal might have over gold.

    The Mountain Messenger out of Downieville, California might be a small paper but I have never caught them printing untruths about gold to their readers like I have the L.A. Times, the Financial Times and the Wall Street Journal.

    The true story on gold, up until now, will not be found in almost all newspapers, magazines or on television. If you seek the truth it is suggested that you subscribe to Richard Russell’s Dow Theory Letters or visit some of the following websites: http://www.financialsense.com, http://www.LeMetropoleCafe.com or http://www.kitco.com.

    The real damage the L.A. Times story did,along with tarnishing Mike’s reputation, was to have the Original Sixtten to One viewed unfavorably to people in the southern California area during a time when the Company was seeking funds to expand their operations.

    Roberta Petersen
    Post count: 1

    Mike’s rantings challenged me when he sent me his article “Now is the Time”. He wants Willie Nelson or others capable of supporting the American dream and legend to tell others through their music. I don’t think many people read this forum, but the LA times, a paper I read daily for 25 years, blew him off. He told me about the article and sent me a draft of a letter he thought he’d send to the editor. I called Mike a couple of days ago. He never wrote the paper which pissed me off. So, here I am, going to beam this out so friends or foes can spread this around. If 10% of the Times readership read http://www.origsix.com , the mine would have the $6 million working capital. Six million for 16% of the 16 to 1 mine should appeal to those with quick money in hand. Here is my letter to the editor.

    Dear Editor,
    Great exposure to southern California of a California and United States icon in RELIC/GOLD MINE story [11-11-02]. Was it planned or coincidental this front page story shared headlines and photos of American military veterans on Veterans Day? We covet your understanding of California’s gold mining history and what it has accomplished for American freedoms and values. The problem…Michael Meister Miller is not a relic. He is a visionary, a leader in our communities and the natural resources industry. Sure he portrays the values of the old west and embraces them. But, packing an ivory handled pistol in his waist? His pistol has a quartz and gold inlaid grip.
    Roberta Peterson, a shareholder and life long friend

    Here is the draft Mike sent me:

    Dear Editor:
    Front-page stuff on gold mining. Thanks. The writer failed to report that my company was elected as a California State Official Sesquicentennial. It’s no relic. It’s just as important to all Californians and Americans for that matter, not just the few thousand in Sierra County. Just like those miners, I encourage you to dig deeper. You too will find some gold worthy for all of us to read. America miners are a precious resource. The fact that they are endangered by questionable persecutors is as important to us as the loss of our steel industry, our wood industry, our fishing industry and farm lands:
    LA Times says:
    “State water quality officials have fined the company for
    allowing arsenic-laden water to flow into nearby Kanaka Creek,
    Polluting the down stream drinking supply.”
    FALSE………The company has never been fined for arsenic.

    “ Miller thumbs his nose at the odds and the regulators.”
    False….. He only thumbs his nose at the odds.

    “The mine had been cited previously for not marking a similar ore chute on a different level of the mine.”
    False. The citation was not for a similar ore chute.

    “Miller called the case ‘merit less,’ saying it was Fussells’ job to mark hazards, like the one that killed him, and blamed the miners death on his own negligence.”
    False. Miller’s investigation resulted in a finding that no one was to blame. It was a tragic accident.

    “If he can be charged with killing his worker under those circumstances, said Miller, the industry is headed for trouble.”
    False. America is headed for trouble.”

    “Miller was running a bar in Santa Barbara when he first visited the mine in 1974.”
    False. Miller was building and remodeling beach property. He ran restaurants and bars from 1965 to 1971.

    “After he failed to turn in an arsenic reduction plan…”
    False. An arsenic reduction plan was submitted timely.

    “The county’s economy once depended almost exclusively on mining and logging, but it has been decades since mining was a significant economic force here.”
    False. Original Sixteen to One Mine, Inc. was the county’s largest non-government employer when the sawmill in Loyalton closed down just about a year ago.
    To all in LA, Here is what I say about the Sixteen To One mine and my old buddy:
    Relic. Lost era. Wild west. They all allow us to conjure by gone days only familiar to us through reading, radio and cinema. These images somehow are presented as an image of Michael Meister Miller. It is incomplete and begs for clarification. Gold mining, the underground hard rock type may aid that image – stuck or of the past; but Miller, some who have known him for a short time or those for a long time have recognized how far ahead of his present being he thinks and acts.

    Quoted in the November 11, 2002 L.A. Times front page friends and acquaintances were Sierra County Sheriff, Sierra County Assessor a California Superior ‘Court Judge, and two elite businessmen, one owns a newspaper and one owns a mine. It was a very impressive body of testimonials. For reasons known to the newspaper staff, the writer gathered her information and created a story. Michael Meister Miller, however, is not the person many readers would conclude from the article.

    He has always been a visionary. He created, built and operated the first club for college students in Santa Barbara. My brother, Ted Templeman, and his band fine- tuned their performance on his stage. As years and decades passed from that period between 1965 and 1971, businesses were opened and franchised on his visions. He also led Californians to understand the great addition of wine during regular dining situations by introducing Santa Barbarians to German, French Portugal and Italian wines to diners at a fair price for quality.

    Mike was a newcomer to the hard-rock gold industry in 1974, when only men connected to the glory days of gold from 1934 remained in the industry. He was a pioneer in a 6000 year old line of work. He did not invent it; he recognized the situation early on and jumped in.

    There are many many incidental yet significant stories to relate. He traveled Europe in 1962, a twenty year old Californian in a VW microbus. How may other young Americans were seen traveling that way? Just Mike, my brother and me. We inspected Pompei in November. No one else was around and we went everywhere. He walked through Check point Charlie in Berlin alone. Ask him to relate that story. To suggest he thumbs his nose to regulators is incorrect. He thumbs his nose to irresponsible interpretations of most anything if it is important.

    Throughout his life he has demonstrated his character towards his classmates, friends, and people who work with him. Unless it really has far reading implications, he quickly forgets anyone who attacks him or the Sixteen to One Mine, which became a passionate love. But if it is important he will get on you like cotton candy and lick you clean away.

    Mikes’ attacker in the article is Gale Filter. He most likely will be looking in the mirror someday and see himself prosecuted for his conduct.

    Stephen Wilson
    Post count: 1568

    I just recently finished reading and re-reading this fascinating article. The question that keeps repeating itself in my mind is, who really ordered it and why have they put Michael Meister Miller, and the Sixteen to One Mine in their gun sights?

    The use of the sentence in the article, “Last month, its stock was delisted from the Pacific Stock Exchange for consistently trading below a dollar,” was very disturbing as the article appeared written months ago and was just waiting for an event to happen for its release. Could that event have been the indictments of Mike Miller, Jonathan Farrel and the Sixteen to One Mine? Were someone’s sights affixed on a double barreled shot gun to pop off concomitantly with each event?

    Who could these instigators be?
    Not the reporter, she takes orders from somewhere on what to write and the story has to be approved by her editor. It would have to go higher up from the editor. Is it someone at the paper with ties to the gold cartel?

    Harry Shultz from the “Harry Shultz International Letter” once said, “Freedom of the press has always meant freedom for insiders to press their case. “If that were true, what would their case be?

    A recent CNBC interview about the same time of this story in the L.A. Times was conducted with Wayne Murdey who is the Chairman of the Board of Newmont Mining. Mr. Murdey’s interview was interrupted (mentioned technical transmission difficulties) a few times while he was speaking of their last quarter, the reason for revised earning and his optimistic view of the company’s future. It has been suggested before that CNBC has used this technique or switched away from an important story to something of less significance to throw viewers off. In closing up the interview the reporter questioned him about a .com report concerning Newmont that was not favorable and spoiled his day.

    Mentioning the .com report was a low class blow directed at a very reputable man and the world’s largest gold producer. This was clearly a trash move by CNBC and it was aligned closely in time with the L.A. Times report. There was no interrupted TV airing time of the posed question to Mr. Murdey or being placed in this ackward position to respond. If Pierre Lassonde, President of Newmont Mining, was either in the studio or watching on TV he must have been beet red for this cheap move by CNBC. The reporter was noticeabley uneasy about asking for a reaction to the report. Obviously, it wasn’t her idea and embarrased her as well.

    Jim Rogers at
    http://www.rogersrawmaterials.com used to make appearances on CNBC but he hasn’t been seen lately. I wonder if he said something that CNBC didn’t like about gold or something. Jim says that raw materials have been in a bear market for the past 25 years and there is a bull market in them every 20 to 30 years. If raw materials start a new bull market it can only accelerate the bull market that gold is already in. Richard Russel http://www.dowtheoryletters.com says that gold is in the early accumulation stage of its new bull market.

    Harry Shultz in 1999 said, “The price fixers keep feeding the press and the producers misinformation about the size of the gold short position (nearly a billion ounces now), hoping to jawbone the price down.” “Other mistaken info (intentional or otherwise) comes from Chase, Deutsche Bank (their attitude has now changed) JP Morgan, AIG, Goldman, says Bill Murphy of GATA (Gold Anti-Trust Assn) who calls this “one of the great financial scandals of all time.” “CNBC/CNN gives lots of free airtime to gold bad-mouthers, but won’t let Murphy speak.”

    So, why attack Mike Miller and the Sixteen to One? It is hoped that when people read all about this business in the article that it will turn them off to gold mining stocks in general and gold itself. The insiders hope that you’ll sell your gold stocks and your gold or you will never think of buying the two. In turn, they hope that you might even be a converted bad-mouther yourself.

    In truth, this main body with all its tentacles reaching out in the press, the TV and through banks and brokerage firms is worried that all hell will break out once the gold bull is let out of his pen. All this bad-mouthing is intended on keeping him confined. The big question is, where is a billion ounces of borrowed gold going to come from? One of two places, from the coffers of the IMF and all the central banks of the world or from the earth very very very slowly over half a century or more. For the gold cartel to have committed to buy through short sales (hedge gold, lease gold, sell leased gold, short deferred gold, short gold spreads, buy gold puts, sell gold calls and enter exotic bear gold derivates) all this gold will prove in time to be one of the biggest financial blunders in the world’s history. This is why you keep your gold mining stocks and your gold and convince your ears to tune-out to all the babble from the people who want to hyjack your gold.

    Gerard Forsman
    Post count: 58
    Rick Montgomery
    Post count: 331

    This crap is no accident.

    Gerard Forsman
    Post count: 58

    Well, I paid the $2.50 to read about the ongoing saga about the 16 to 1 mine. Is it my imagination or were there a few inacuracies and half truths in that article as to sway the public opinion. If I were Don Russell, (editor of the Mountain Messenger) I would pick that story apart and tell the whole story, correct the inacuracies, and put the world on notice. The more things that happen to you in life, the more you will be held responsible. The next time a policemans bullet proof vest doesn’t save his life, send the CEO of the company who makes them to prison. The next time a clerk at a 7-11 is shot and killed, why didn’t the boss do all that was possible to keep that from happening in the workplace. It’s happened a few times in the past. The next time an old person dies of hypothermia because they couldn’t afford to pay the electric bill because the rates were to high, send the people in charge of rate hikes to jail. The next time there is a terrorist attack and people die, lets do something about the people who are supposed to warn us and prevent those things from happening. The world is not a perfect place. Accidents happen no matter what precautions we take. We must all be responsible for our own actions. If you were a lifegaurd and you drowned in the ocean, would your boss be at fault? Most people would say, “How terrible! The ocean is such a dangerous place.” It would be your job to see both the seen and unseen dangers in your workplace. You are the professional. Or, should your boss be held responsible because he didn’t take you by the hand everyday and tell you something that you already knew was possible. Nobody wants to be called stupid or unprofessional. But, sometimes, people say to themselves, “I don’t need to do that, I’ll remember.” And when they don’t remember for an instant, bad things can happen. That is what they call an accident.

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